What I’d Like to Ask My Mom


fwmb_mday1I think about my mom a lot in May. Mother’s Day, of course, but May is also Brain Tumor Awareness Month. My mom passed away from a brain tumor before I became a mom or even got married, and, since my girls came along, I’ve realized there are a lot of questions I wish I could ask!

Am I doing this right?
From swaddling to breastfeeding, when to call the doctor or when to treat at home, birthday party themes to Easter outfits, it’s always nice to get confirmation that you’re doing the “right” thing. On the other hand . . .


What were you thinking?
In the ways I know my parenting style differs from the way I was raised, I would be so tempted to ask, “Why in the world did you let me cry it out at that age, let me watch soap operas every afternoon, and ride my bike all over the neighborhood without supervision?”

Were those really the “good old days”?
Speaking of those bike rides, no one wore helmets when I was growing up. I’m also pretty sure I made it through my entire childhood without eating organic food or hearing anyone talk about the “mommy wars,” much less Pinterest. But was it really a simpler, easier time? You still had meals to cook, a house to clean, a job to go to, and kids to raise. How did you manage?

Will you come live with us . . . or at least keep the kids (again) this weekend?
My husband would love this one, I’m sure, but it would have been awesome to have her help for a few months weeks after my kiddos were born. And I would be all about the free babysitting!

Thank you!
Okay, so this one really isn’t a question, but, since becoming a mom, my appreciation of my own mother and other moms in general just keeps growing. I would love to be able to thank my mother now that I know what it’s like to be one!

Even though I’d love to be able to ask my mom these questions, I’m so grateful to still be able to get most of the answers from a fantastic support system.

GE DIGITAL CAMERAMy other mom friends are always happy to exchange potty training tips, tell me about their experience with trying to find child care, or just reassure me that I’m doing this parenting thing right. My sweet mother-in-law and lovely stepmother aren’t shy about sharing their “What were you thinking?” parenting moments, and my mentors never fail to give me a dose of reality about how tough raising children has always been. Even though I’m still looking for the free babysitting, our church group was wonderful to provide meals and help after our girls were born!

So, this Mother’s Day, I’ll be remembering my mom, of course, but also remembering how important it is to have a community of other mothers to provide support, encouragement, and resources. And I hope that’s what the Fort Worth Moms Blog can do for you, for me.

Happy Mother’s Day!

What questions do you ask you mom or other special ladies in your life?



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