Do NOT Disturb :: Mama Is Sleeping!


This post is part of an editorial series, “Sweet Sleep,” brought to you by the Fort Worth Moms Blog. We hope these pieces provide you with helpful information, encouragement, and insight as your navigate your family’s sleep journey.

Let me start with a question that seems simple but is so complicated to a mom: Why do YOU feel so guilty about resting? I said YOU because I personally no longer carry the guilt of resting when the house is running wild! But I want you to ask yourself this question out loud: Why do I feel guilty about resting?

Moms have gone so long admiring their spouses, significant others, and even our children’s ability to lay around in what looks like chaos to us but to them it is a well-loved, lived-in home!

So listen, mama, I am here to free you from the burden of “sleep guilt.” I have the formula that helped me rest, UNAPOLOGETICALLY, yes, even at 10:00 a.m.!

sweet sleep editorial series

Why Moms Feel Guilty About Sleeping

First, let’s address the “why.” The guilt comes from thinking we are using precious productive time to be lazy, when in fact, without that recharge we become even less productive. Consider how productive you are in the morning after a good nights rest. Can you imagine having that same burst at 2:00 p.m.?

Here is the math! On a normal day, mom is up before the rest of the house. If your alarm goes off at 5:30 a.m., the house may not have to get up for another 45 minutes <—-  THIS is what you are missing! You have sacrificed 45 minutes to an hour of your rest to get the house ready for the day. Let’s go to the evening: Everyone is fed and in bed by 8:00 p.m., and here you are at 10:00 p.m., laying out clothes, signing folders, wiping down table. Once again you have sacrificed HOURS of sleep to ensure everyone else is prepared for the next day. So I ask you again: WHY would you feel guilty about sleep? You have put in the hours while everyone else is resting; you have literally earned a lunch break by 10:00 a.m.! 

Sleep With Confidence

There is no perfect timing for rest. Some of us work, some of us stay at home with kids. You just have to be confident that what you have done is enough and walk away from the task for a brief moment and listen to your body. Let the older kids know that there is nothing you need in this 30 minutes while I nap. Hand over those babies to your spouse/partner and let them know, I am taking a nap. I am not asking permission; please keep the kids in here with you. When those babies go down for nap, you are going to walk away from any task and lay down with them. You have the option of waking up before them to warm back up. 

The best mom is a rested mom. You have more energy, patience, and focus when you are rested. You have done ENOUGH and honestly no one cares about those dishes being in the sink for another hour but you. GO TO SLEEP. 

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Natalia is a Fort Worth native whose husband has stuck around for almost 10 years. They are currently in charge of turning four humans with questionable personalities into amazing adults. The kids, 18 (boy, in college, plays football, Hook'em, convinced he is a Greek god), nine (girl, chatty, artsy, dancer, can build you a house with cardboard and tape), five (boy, loves to eat, watches too much football, uses mom for food, will give his sisters the world), and four (girl, she is FOR SURE the reason they are done having kids, and that is all Natalia has to say about that). Natalia is an art-loving graphic designer whose thoughts can be all over the place but who requires organization everywhere else. She loves Starbucks and eating ice, and would buy organization and art supplies over clothes and shoes. She started her entrepreneurial career as a hair stylist and makeup artist but retired to stay home the last two kiddos after observing how clients holding her babies was unprofessional! That is when she went into graphic design, specializing in small business branding. Within the last two years she has birthed two babies, where she tries to assist other moms with the sports-recruiting process and remind ALL moms they are not going insane with her blog. In addition, Love, NV Boutique is where she offers custom items and her signature Mom Merch.


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