The Big Three in Summer Planning


Disclaimer :: T Bar M Camps sponsored this post and shared insight on ways the camp experience can influence, enrich, and teach our children — and shape their young lives.

We have come to realize that spring is simply the calendar whispering in mom’s ear, “Summer is coming . . . . What’s your plan?” Here are three things to consider as you let purpose (and not panic) guide your summer planning.

TBarM sponsored 1Who Will My Child Be with?

Our children will be shaped and impacted by those they spend the most time with, whether it is Phineas and Ferb or a baseball coach. As parents, it is up to us to manage those outside influences in their lives. The camp experience yields growth in confidence, decision making, discernment, problem solving, independence, and so much more. Finding someone who will encourage and model great internal growth in our children is priceless.

At T Bar M Camps, staff places great value on the exact same thing! When a college student stands out, they spend time and resources vetting and training him or her with your child’s best interest in mind. Then camp directors have a front row view of the relationships that are far more impactful than Subway Surfers . . . relationships that cause everyone to grow “taller on the inside” while at camp and long after the trunk is put away.

What Will My Child Be Doing?

The list of what our children will be doing at camp is long and yet can be summed up in one word: experiencing. No doubt, the summer camp experience allows kids to experience trust, growth, new skills, risks, successes . . . and fun — lots and lots of fun!

At T Bar M, the intentionality that goes into planning each moment of experiences is something camp directors put much thought into. While the campers might not realize the why of each activity, it is certainly there.

TBarM sponsored 2Why do they drink water before punch? To stay hydrated.

Why do they jump off telephone poles (safely, mom)? To push ourselves to try something new.

Why do they pour slime on the staff? Because it’s fun.

Why do they gather at the end of the day to share their highs and lows? To capture all they grew in that day.

What Will My Child Be Learning?

Children are always learning. At T Bar M, paper and pen is scarce, but the lessons are in abundance! Sometimes the lesson is a first-time aha moment that looks like, “Oh I CAN do this” or, “I never knew the Bible said that.” But no doubt, it will be a lesson that will stick with them for all the years to come. Or perhaps it is a moment of review . . . something they have heard time and time again, but because of the unique experience, this time it finds a place in their hearts and minds. The hands-on, unplugged, all-in experiences of camp yield a strong link in the chain of life lessons.

Camp is an investment. An investment that reaches far past the money and time sacrificed. It is an investment in your child . . . and one with a great return. The people they are with, the experiences they have, and the lessons they learn all play a huge part in the growth of our children. Check out T Bar M Camps today, and give your child an experience he or she won’t soon forget.

Kelli Boyd FamilyKelli Boyd leads T Bar M Camps’ Family Camps. A 1993 graduate of “Axe ’em, Jacks” Stephen F. Austin State University, Kelli has served the families and kids at T Bar M in various roles since 1996. It was there she met and married her “camp friend” Robert, and they have five kids: Libby, Jase, Allison, Roman, and Mark. Kelli’s gift with words and experiences as a mom spill onto the page (or computer screen) in one of her favorite hobbies – blogging.


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